We have meetings in the clubroom plus on Zoom and location. We are a mix from complete newcomers to experts with interests in any kind of photography. It is this mix that makes the club work and thrive.  The enjoyment  of Photography is at the heart of what we do.

The Des Moffatt Western Community Centre, Somerset Road, Rodbourne, Swindon, SN2 1NF,  is our uusual regular club venue.  We meet there Thursday evenings from September to mid May from 19.30.

Not a Member?

Thinking of joining us?  

To join us and have access to our meetings including any virtual meetings on Zoom, on location, and Special Interest Group  (SIGs) meetings, (take a look at our events page to see just how much is on offer).

please email;                membership@swindonphotosoc.org.uk

Thinking about joining us for the first time?              Your first night is free

Please see the Event Calendar page for more information on our meetings, workshops, summer events and activities.


Our membership rates for 2024/2025 are as follows:*

  • Full Membership: £80 per annum
  • Under 18s: £65 per annum
  • Non Members/Visitors: £5 per evening (up to 3 visitors fees will be refunded if joining subsequently)
  • After January 1st: rates will be reduced on a pro-rata basis

*Fees may be subject to change for 2025/26

What do I get for the Money?

Over last years season, we roughly provided 10 meetings a month for members.
Including, about….
10 talks from visiting speakers
31 practical evenings including non competitive critique
14 competition evenings, some with visiting judges.
3 friendly battle competitions with other Camera Clubs
2 international Salons
1 welcome night
and of these
27 were in the clubroom
11 were on location
17 were on Zoom
12 were in the clubroom and on Zoom
32 were part of Special Interest groups

Privacy Policy

Click here for details of our privacy policy

Want to find out more?

Sign up to our newsletter and we will let you know more and keep you updated with club news and events.

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