Category: NewsPage 34 of 89

Sparrow Hawk by Pam Lane

Why become a member of Swindon Photographic Society?

 Why become a member of Swindon Photographic Society?   This is easily answered! First our fantastic programme:-   9 lectures by photographers, 3 international photographic salons, 16 competitions, 5…

British Blue by Nic Jansen

Nightlights by Don Chadwick

Secrets of Wildlife Photography by Nick Martin

A last minute change to our Wildlife photography talk.Ian Butler couldn’t make it, but at very short notice we are very pleased and lucky to give you Nick…

Monthly Comp 4

with your Judge Sandie Cox ARPS DPAGB if you are not sure of the rules for the competition, look at our “rule book” page on our website. Details:…

Digital Imaging Battle with; Stratton, Corsham & Windrush Valley Camera Clubs

Thursday January 16th at 19:30 welcome to our guests and let us all have an excellent evening of photography. The judge for the evening will be Leigh Woolford…

Bent Tree by Michelle McAlindon

Dogs Life by Neil Hayward

Dribble from the Mountain by David Taylor