Category: NewsPage 24 of 89

4 Club Digital Imaging Battle

Thursday 14th January 2021 at 19. 30 on Zoom with Corsham, Highworth, and Warminster Camera Clubs and your judge – Julie Kaye

Spike by Tony Marson

Interplanetary by Don Chadwick

Lydney Docks by by Terry Onslow

Poppies by Gill Marsh

Heal’s Ascension by Rob Webster

Monthly Competition 3 Digital

with the theme of; DECAY Thursday 10th December 2020 at 19. 30 on Zoom With your Judge –  Rob Heslop

The Bristol Salon

Thursday 26th November 2020 at 19. 30 on Zoom This is a Bristol Salon special Andrew Marker FRPS will show us a selection of the wonderful images from…

The eyes have it by Trevor Matthews

Bewick Swan taking flight by Neil Hayward