“A let’s talk images club night” (or what to do when your image hits the computer) with Terry Walters EFIAP, PPSA, BPE1.

Thursday October 15th 2020 at 19. 30 on Zoom

Simple compositing,

that is to make up an overall image from the same or different images.

It will cover some of the features of the Photoshop RAW converter, the Layers Panel, Layers and Masks (which are the fundamental tools), plus brushes both hard and soft. 

In the first example we will replace an overexposed (blown out) window using the same source image. 

In the Second example we will replace a sky using the same source image, and then add a figure from a different image.  

We can then sharpen part of the image non-destructively using another layer and blending mode.

A Couple of points;

Don’t worry if you use different software to Photoshop. These are basic tools that you should find on most photo manipulation software.

Also, Terry will do this just using his RAW files.

He can however provide jpg files for those of you who want to work along at the same time, (which might be challenging on zoom as Terry can’t see what you are doing). But they could be useful for practicing afterwards as well.

Terry is good at this, and last years was great!

So don’t miss!

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1 Comment

  1. Malcolm Cole

    Hello Folks, so now we have more time indoors there is always table top photography 🙂

    For those of you self-shielding alone at home like me, remember we can still enjoy our photography. Personally I am planning on practising 2 things :-
    1. Focus stacking with my 60mm macro lens & trying the automatic stacking function in the camera.
    2. Becoming well practised using my mobile ‘phone as a remote control for the camera such that it works for me every time without looking at the manual.

    Now where did I put the manual for my camera?!
    Stay well, keep smiling and enjoy your photography

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